
19 August 2009

FHExpos - Reminder of Salt Lake Expo in Sandy, Utah

Just a reminder that the we have a great opportunity next week (August 28th and 29th) to learn some new family history techniques and technologies to help in our family history research and temple work. (See the previous article here).

You have until Monday the 24th to pre-register and save $10. Also new this year is the ability to pay for only one or two classes at $12 each. The Church is also providing free access to the classes presented by FamilySearch if you are a registered consultant. You must have the coupon that was emailed to each consultant.

If you have never attended one of these expo's you need to take advantage of it being here in Sandy. These conferences are the least expensive ones you will ever attend, and, these is a terrific choice of classes to attend with great speakers.

If you are a consultant and have not been trained in using new FamilySearch, please make every effort to be won't be sorry. The free classes for consultants are on Saturday afternoon from 1 to 5 pm.

As soon as you register you have online access to all the handouts for the conference.

Please attend and enjoy!
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