
23 June 2010

Yes, I have updated the blog layout!

Couldn't sleep the other night and decided to update the blog template!  :)  There are still plenty of things that I need to fix and tweak so please be patient with me. Actually, the data is all the same. The column that was in the middle is now on the left with posts in the middle. I'm also adding a few pages so watch the tabs across the top.

The left column has the BLOG ARCHIVE. That's where you find all the past articles and posts. Below that is the INDEX where you can look for articles based on the subject. So if you are interested in information about census records, click on Census!

Further down the left column are the links to various TOOLS to help you with your family history endeavors; links to help you learn about the various SOFTWARE PROGRAMS available for your use in Family History Centers, as well as the SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES that are provided for your FREE USE at the centers.

Do you need a quick review of how computers work or how to do your family history research? Then you will also find links that will take you to the various resources available for training on the internet, many of which are in video format. How easy can it get? Just sit back in your chair and watch a few videos and learn!

I will also continue to add new tools and widgets as I find them (like those little "fill in the blank" search tools you will find in the left column, towards the bottom). If you know of others please let me know. Then you can use them all in one place. You can currently search the Google historic newspapers, search the genealogy message boards Google books online, and all while listening to great music!

Don't forget about the right-hand column. There are plenty of other bloggers out there in cyberspace who have terrific information to share! The Blog News Feed does just that -- it feeds their most current blog description to the list. You can click on any of those links and you'll be taken to their blog and that specific article! The blog feed is automatic and updates as any one of them updates their blog. So you can check out my blog many times during the day and see new updates from other blogs! How easy is that?

And finally, for those of you who use the Granite South Family History Center, there is a calendar at the very bottom that has the schedule of when we are open and who is working. Remember, even if the center is closed you can get hold of one of your Family History Consultants and they can take you to the center and help you whenever you need it -- whether the center is open or not! Keep finding those missing ancestors. THEY ARE WAITING FOR YOU!


  1. I like the layout and am amazed at ALL the information you provide. This blog is a library!

  2. Thanks Becky! That's what I want is a library for genealogists!
