
03 July 2010

Time for Utah Valley PAF Users Group Meeting!

Remember that UVPAFUG is not really about PAF these days - but it's still the organization's name! This is a great group and you should plan to attend whenever possible! Here is the press release:

The next regular, second-Saturday-of-the-month meeting of the Utah Valley PAF (Personal Ancestral File) Users Group will be on Saturday, 10 Jul 2010, from 9 am to noon in the LDS "Red Chapel", 4050 North Timpview Drive (650 East), Provo. For directions to get there see the map on the group's website .  (OR click on the address above.) The main presentation for this meeting will be by Bret Petersen on ARE YOU MY MOTHER? - FINDING MAIDEN NAMES. This will be a discussion of various types of records and research techniques that can provide clues in determining more about missing mothers. It can often be difficult to discover the maiden name of female ancestors, however, such a find can create a whole new branch on your family tree opening up connections to more and more families. Join us as we explore a few of the resources where you might look for more information regarding those elusive maiden names on your family line. 

Bret Peterson loves teaching and helping others learn all they can about using technology in researching their family history. He is a frequent presenter for classes ranging from just a few users to several hundred. He developed a love of family history research at a very young age and this continued through his college years where he graduated from BYU with a degree in communications/Journalism and a minor in Education/Sociology. His interest in computers began through newspaper writing, editing and design, and this led him into a professional training and support role with a company that supplies newspaper publishing systems internationally. His passion for family history research and the advancements in computer-assisted research led him to the Utah Valley PAF Users Group where he now serves as Webmaster. He is currently working towards accreditation with ICAPGen. Following the main presentation there will be several classes about family history and technology with something for everyone at any level of expertise. The teachers and classes presently scheduled for this meeting are as follows: 

  1. Military Research on the Internet by Laurie Castillo
  2. Individual Help with PAF & New FamilySearch by Don Engstrom & Finn Hansen
  3. Cemetery Symbolism in Stone by Bret Petersen
  4. Video of last month's main presentation How to Light a Fire Under Your Ward by Andrea Schnakenburg 
  5. Family Insight by Andrea Schnakenburg
  6. Ancestral Quest 12.1 by Gaylon Findlay
  7. Legacy 7.4 by Joel Graham
  8. Roots Magic 4 by Bruce Buzbee
All meetings of the Users Group are open to the public whether members of the Group or not. The Users Group has the goal of helping individuals use technology to further their family history and there are usually 100-125 attending the monthly meetings on the second Saturdays.

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