The next regular, second-Saturday-of-the-month meeting of the Utah Valley PAF (Personal Ancestral File) Users Group will be on Saturday, 10 Apr 2010, from 9 am to noon at our usual location at the LDS "Red Chapel", 4050 North Timpview Drive (650 East), Provo. There is a map showing the location on the group's website http://uvpafug.org . The main presentation for this meeting will be by Timothy G. Cross on FAMILYSEARCH'S EXTENDED TREE. His presentation will discuss current and future plans for FamilySearch's Tree. How does the Tree fit into FamilySearch? Is the Tree limited to just new.familysearch.org? Are we going to be able to make this "common" tree work? How are we supposed to source the Tree? Is this just for genealogists or can everyone participate? Brother Tim Cross has been a Product Manager for new FamilySearch for four years. Prior to working for the LDS Church, Tim worked in the computer industry for PriceWaterhouse; Booz, Allen, & Hamilton; and Novell. Tim is currently responsible for the Family Tree portion of new FamilySearch.
Following the main presentation there will be several classes taught concerning technology and family history. As usual, there will be something for everyone at all levels of expertise. The teachers and classes currently scheduled for this meeting are the following: (1) FamilyInsight: NFS Sync and Ordinance Preparation, by Andrea Schnakenburg; (2) Using Google in Genealogy, by Duane Dudley; (3) Genealogy on Your MAC - Searching, Charting and Reporting, by Venita Parry; (4) Newspaper or Military Research, by Laurie Castillo; (5) Personal Help with PAF & NFS, by Don Engstrom, Finn Hansen, and Kathy and Max Hennie (new regular class); (6) Q&A: FamilySearch's Extended Tree, by Tim Cross; (7) Video of last month's main presentation: How to Effectively Conduct Family History Research, by Barry Ewell; (8) Ancestral Quest, by Gaylon Findlay; (9) Legacy 7, by Dean Bennett; (10) RootsMagic 4, by Bruce Buzbee.
All meetings of the Users Group are open to the public whether members of the Group or not. The Users Group has the goal of helping individuals use technology to further their family history and there are usually 100-125 attending the monthly meetings on the second Saturdays.
31 March 2010
27 March 2010
Required Updates for 3rd Party Genealogy Software
Legacy Family Tree has just released an update to version This is their first release since January and fixes a number of known issues. They have also added some enhancements to their new FamilySearch interface. They added a change to the DNA field and added the latest temple codes. To see the details of fixes and changes go here.
Ancestral Quest - the last I heard AQ was working on an update to be compatible with the new FamilySearch updates that go into effect on Monday, March 29th. They may not make it by Monday but it shouldn't be too long. UPDATE: Use the current version until the new version of new FamilySearch is released, probably after midnight on the morning of March 29th. Then download the new update of AQ at
Family Insight - has an update available now that will make working with new FamilySearch on Monday seamless. Make sure you down load the latest update here.
If you are aware of any other update or changes, please let me know.
As a reminder, you can see the complete list of FamilySearch Certified software here.
Ancestral Quest - the last I heard AQ was working on an update to be compatible with the new FamilySearch updates that go into effect on Monday, March 29th. They may not make it by Monday but it shouldn't be too long. UPDATE: Use the current version until the new version of new FamilySearch is released, probably after midnight on the morning of March 29th. Then download the new update of AQ at
Family Insight - has an update available now that will make working with new FamilySearch on Monday seamless. Make sure you down load the latest update here.
If you are aware of any other update or changes, please let me know.
As a reminder, you can see the complete list of FamilySearch Certified software here.
FS Certified Software
26 March 2010
RootsMagic 4 Releases Update with FamilySearch AutoMatch
More great news for those using RootsMagic 4 or RootsMagic Essentials software and, especially for those who interface directly with new FamilySearch.
A new update and enhancement has been released adding a new time-saving feature called AutoMatch. This feature "examines each person in your RootsMagic file, searches the FamilySearch database for the person, and after carefully comparing them, matches them to gether if they are the same; all without requiring user intervention." Now you can start AutoMatch before you head to bed or go out for the evening and when you come back most of your database should be matched! This feature is included in both RootsMagic 4 and in RootsMagic Essentials, the free version.
In additon to the new AutoMatch feature, this update is required for RootsMagic to continue working with new FamilySearch, probably early next week. So please take a few minutes and update your version. If your news screen has been turned off, remember to click on HELP>Check for Updates.
To see a list of the new items and the "fixes" in this update click here.
A new update and enhancement has been released adding a new time-saving feature called AutoMatch. This feature "examines each person in your RootsMagic file, searches the FamilySearch database for the person, and after carefully comparing them, matches them to gether if they are the same; all without requiring user intervention." Now you can start AutoMatch before you head to bed or go out for the evening and when you come back most of your database should be matched! This feature is included in both RootsMagic 4 and in RootsMagic Essentials, the free version.
In additon to the new AutoMatch feature, this update is required for RootsMagic to continue working with new FamilySearch, probably early next week. So please take a few minutes and update your version. If your news screen has been turned off, remember to click on HELP>Check for Updates.
To see a list of the new items and the "fixes" in this update click here.
new FamilySearch,
RootsMagic Essentials
16 March 2010
Footnote.com Offers FREE Access to Census Records

Fold3 - Footnote.com,
05 March 2010
Immigration Family History Expo in Salt Lake City
Just received this email from FamilySearch Support and it looks to be a great day learning more about immigration and its importance in your family history.
March 5, 2010 Information and tipsDear Family History Consultant:
We want to make you aware of a family history conference focused on immigration research occurring soon in Salt Lake City. You may find information at this conference beneficial in helping members find their ancestors.
The Immigration Family History Expo, hosted by Family History Expos, Inc., will be on Thursday, March 18, at the Historic Masonic Temple, 650 East South Temple Street in Salt Lake City. Registration begins at the door at 8 a.m., and the day’s sessions will begin at 8:30 a.m. The fee for attending this one-day event is $45 and includes lunch.The expo will feature outstanding speakers throughout the day. World Trade Center Utah president and CEO Lew Cramer will join the center’s executive vice president and COO, Elizabeth Goryunova, in an opening keynote address. Cramer and Goryunova will focus on the importance of migration, immigration, and emigration today and in the future. The event will culminate with author, producer, and director Lorie Conway’s in-depth look into the history of immigration to America. Her presentation will include a special screening of Forgotten Ellis Island: The Extraordinary Story of America’s Immigrant Hospital.Other notable speakers include:• Brigham Young University Professor Fred E. Woods. Woods has held a Richard L. Evans Chair of Religious Understanding since 2005. Woods has also been a visiting professor at several universities and has lectured at many academic institutions in the United States and internationally. Professor Woods is the author or co-author of seven books and many articles, including three dozen on the topic of Mormon immigration and emigration in the 19th century.• Arlene Eakle, PhD, president and founder of The Genealogical Institute, Inc. Eakle is a consultant, lecturer, author, and researcher specializing in the geographic areas of New York, southern U.S., British Isles, Switzerland, and parts of Germany.• Kory L. Meyerink, MLS, AG, FUGA, vice president of ProGenealogists, Inc. in Salt Lake City. Meyerink has worked with Ancestry and the Family History Library. He is past president of the Utah Genealogical Association and founder of the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Meyerink is a nationally known speaker, editor of Printed Sources: A Guide to Published Genealogical Records, and adjunct faculty for BYU and San Jose State University.• Holly T. Hansen, Family History Expos, Inc. founder and president is a lifelong resident of Croydon, Utah. She has been a family history educator for more than 15 years. Although she sponsors elaborate genealogical events, she also enjoys helping people one-on-one as they learn how to make technology work for them. An author, lecturer, and editor, Hansen devotes time every day to education.Exhibitors will be at the event to offer hands-on demonstrations and techniques as well as technology to help researchers trace their roots.
All questions should be directed to:
Family History Expos.com
PO Box 187
Morgan, Utah 84050
Email: Expo@FHExpos.com
Phone: 1-801-829-3295
Web: http://fhexpos.com
Sincerely,FamilySearchU.S. and Canada: 1-866-406-1830International: Go to http://contact.familysearch.org for more toll-free phone numbers
03 March 2010
Consolidate All Your LDS Church Logins
Get ready to consolidate all your LDS Church logins!
This is actually really good news! The LDS Church is finally getting ready to make changes so that you only need ONE login name and password to get access to all the Church software systems.
You are already using this single username and password if you currently use your stake or ward website. FamilySearch is now using this single username and password for the Research Wiki. New FamilySearch and FamilySearch Indexing will begin using the single username and password in the near future. (Probably during the month of March, 2010.)
So if you haven't already done this, DO IT NOW rather than waiting for these family history applications to begin using it and you have to deal with the mad crunch. You can go to ldsaccount.lds.org and obtain what is called an LDS Account. You can also check to see if you already have an account or you can use the links on the page to remind you what your username and password is if you have forgotten them.
Need to register for the other sites? Here's how:
To register as a Consultant or Priesthood Leader overseeing Temple and Family History Work: Go to lds.org > Serving in the Church > Family History > priesthood.familysearch.org or consultant.familysearch.org OR just click on these links. You will need your Church membership number and your ward/branch unit number. Get that from your ward/branch clerk. You do want to register if you are a consultant or a Priesthood leader, and here is why:
If you are not registered as a consultant or a priesthood leader, you will see only one lesson (new FamilySearch lesson)--which is the lesson that all members see--when you go to new.familysearch.org > Help Center > Training and Resources Tab > e-learning courses. If you are registered as a consultant or priesthood leader, you have many more important lessons available to you under your "e-learning courses."
Under your "Training and Resources" tab, you will then have 12 more instructional items available. It is very important to be aware of this difference. Each of you go to your "Training and Resources" tab and see what is there. Then have your spouse or child (a regular member) go into their "Training and Resources" tab, so you can see the difference in what is available. Unregistered consultants and priesthood leaders are missing out.
Registering everyone age 12 and older on new FamilySearch:
Go to new.familysearch.org . Click on Register for the new FamilySearch. Each member needs their own Church membership number and confirmation date.
Registering to do FamilySearch Indexing:
Suggested age: 14 to 114! Go to familysearchindexing.org and follow the instructions. Get your kids involved! They can "play" on the PC and do something worthwhile!

You are already using this single username and password if you currently use your stake or ward website. FamilySearch is now using this single username and password for the Research Wiki. New FamilySearch and FamilySearch Indexing will begin using the single username and password in the near future. (Probably during the month of March, 2010.)
So if you haven't already done this, DO IT NOW rather than waiting for these family history applications to begin using it and you have to deal with the mad crunch. You can go to ldsaccount.lds.org and obtain what is called an LDS Account. You can also check to see if you already have an account or you can use the links on the page to remind you what your username and password is if you have forgotten them.
Need to register for the other sites? Here's how:
To register as a Consultant or Priesthood Leader overseeing Temple and Family History Work: Go to lds.org > Serving in the Church > Family History > priesthood.familysearch.org or consultant.familysearch.org OR just click on these links. You will need your Church membership number and your ward/branch unit number. Get that from your ward/branch clerk. You do want to register if you are a consultant or a Priesthood leader, and here is why:
If you are not registered as a consultant or a priesthood leader, you will see only one lesson (new FamilySearch lesson)--which is the lesson that all members see--when you go to new.familysearch.org > Help Center > Training and Resources Tab > e-learning courses. If you are registered as a consultant or priesthood leader, you have many more important lessons available to you under your "e-learning courses."
Under your "Training and Resources" tab, you will then have 12 more instructional items available. It is very important to be aware of this difference. Each of you go to your "Training and Resources" tab and see what is there. Then have your spouse or child (a regular member) go into their "Training and Resources" tab, so you can see the difference in what is available. Unregistered consultants and priesthood leaders are missing out.
Registering everyone age 12 and older on new FamilySearch:
Go to new.familysearch.org . Click on Register for the new FamilySearch. Each member needs their own Church membership number and confirmation date.
Registering to do FamilySearch Indexing:
Suggested age: 14 to 114! Go to familysearchindexing.org and follow the instructions. Get your kids involved! They can "play" on the PC and do something worthwhile!
UVPAFUG - Come Join Me

The main presentation for this meeting will be by Barry J. Ewell on HOW TO CONDUCT EFFECTIVE GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH ON THE INTERNET. If you are frustrated with searching the Internet and not being able to find information about your family, this talk may help. It will show you how to do better Google searches and find more information about your family from obscure websites to more popular databases and collections. Barry Ewell resides in Riverton, Utah and is a Senior Marketing Manager for IBM. He graduated from BYU in Communications in 1981 and is a writer and researcher with extensive genealogical experience in field research, oral and written histories, using the web, and computer and digital resources. His genealogical research interests include Eastern U.S., United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Germany, and Russia. He is also the founder of http://mygenshare.com/ which will be launched soon and which will have lots of helpful genealogy resources and information.
Following the main presentation there will be several classes taught concerning technology and family history. As usual, there will be something for everyone at all levels of expertise. The teachers and classes currently scheduled for this meeting are the following:
(1) Ralph Hansen on Decluttering Your Family History Closet;
(2) Duane Dudley on Submitting Names to the Temple with New FamilySearch;
(3) George Scott on Solving Problems in New FamilySearch;
(4) Venita Parry on Genealogy on Your MAC;
(5) Barry J. Ewell on Learn the Tech to Trace Your Roots;
(6) Video of last month's main presentation by Art Johnson on Building Strong Relationships with Priesthood Leaders;
(7) Gaylon Findlay on Ancestral Quest;
(8) Joel Graham on Legacy 7; and
(9) Bruce Buzbee on RootsMagic.
All meetings of the Users Group are open to the public whether members of the Group or not. The Users Group has the goal of helping individuals use technology to further their family history and there are usually 100-125 attending the monthly meetings on the second Saturdays.
01 March 2010
It's the Stories That Make for Good History
Did you attend my workshop at Stake Women's Conference on Saturday? I talked about how to make your ancestors come alive! Don't fall into the trap of looking at these people in your database as just names, dates and places. More than likely this "name" is your favorite grandmother's favorite great-uncle. She knew him, she loved him; just as you loved your grandma. So find out more about him.
Research, research, research! All those little bits and pieces of information that you find will build an outline of your ancestor's life. Look around for what other's have done and build from there.
I'll elaborate on this one of these days, but, in the meantime check out this article that was posted in the LDS Church News.
'It's the stories' that make for good history'
Research, research, research! All those little bits and pieces of information that you find will build an outline of your ancestor's life. Look around for what other's have done and build from there.
I'll elaborate on this one of these days, but, in the meantime check out this article that was posted in the LDS Church News.
'It's the stories' that make for good history'
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