We all have family or friends that want to learn about their family history. There is so much great information on the web to help, however, until one becomes a bit more experienced it's hard to even know where to begin!
So your help is needed to test a new Family History Guide. It's meant to get you started and to guide you along the way to becoming more proficient and comfortable with the process. We know there are things that still need tweeking and we are rapidly adding new information every day. You are the best to tell us if it flows smoothly or if there are things that could be done better!
I've been helping a couple of friends who just want to help others become more comfortable in learning and confident in their efforts. This web tool can help those family and friends become more self-sufficient and learn to enjoy the process. Besides, they can do this at their own speed!
A facebook page for the Guide is located here along with some instructions: https://www.facebook.com/TheFamilyHistoryGuide.
The website is located here: http://www.thefhguide.com/. The website has a tracker sheet that can help you keep track of what you cover in the site.
Please share this with your friends and family and give it a try. You can add your feedback to the facebook page or post comments in the blog under "Contact Us".
Thanks so much and Enjoy!